RIP Uncle Bill

This picture reminds me of my Uncle Bill. He was a true Wild Man, that was taken from us too soon in a horrific car crash in the mid 80's.

Let's just say the year was 1986. Whiffle ball, miniature golf, and a whole lot of ice cream were all a part of our daily summer ritual.

Once in a while, we got an extra summer treat. We got to go over to Uncle Bill and Aunt Kathy's house.

Uncle Bill was the closest thing to a stand-up comedian to me. He would make me laugh harder than I thought was possible for hours on end.

To make it even better, a lot of his jokes and clowning around involved the middle finger, and cursing. He was literally a hero to me.

On one particular night, I had pestered my dad into playing a game of catch while Uncle Bill went in the house for a minute.

"Dad, where did Uncle Bill go?"
"Who knows Boy?"

As we continued to toss the ball back and forth under a dusky sky, Uncle Bill came out of the house with a beer in one hand, as he pushed the lawnmower.

Everything started normal. He was cutting his grass while drinking, But, that was just something Uncle Bill would do.

Suddenly, the game of catch stopped, as my Dad and I both nearly fell over from laughing so hard.

He had carved out a beautiful Fuck You in the neighbor's grass, with his lawnmower.

RIP Uncle Bill


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