Does it hurt more to get hit in the head or in the heart?

"Hey Hey. It's ok." Sad Sid yelled at the guy as he hurried to put Daffy Duck's leash back on.

The dude smiled at Sad Sid, as the dude was holding a rock in his hand, that he was about to heave at Daffy Duck.

The dude went down the mountain, and Sad Sid continued up the hill with his puppy of two weeks.

More footsteps pattered across the wooden steps.

"Daffy. Come back," as she hid in the jungle, well off the path.

Five minutes ago, she was not scared of a single person, and now she looks like she's going to be scared of every person that comes in her path.

A few minutes later Sad Sid and Daffy Duck sat on the mountain summit.Sad Sid realized he has been as dumb as Daffy Duck, the dog. After having his heart broken, several years ago, he went into a state of reclusive hiding when it comes to dating.

And, then he came out of hiding, and immediately found a stalker.

Having a heart broken certainly hurts, and luckily she only threatened to break Sad Sid's head.

Daffy Duck did not learn what it feels like to have her head broken, at least not today.

And, she happily licked the next dude she saw's bottom of his shoes. So, I don't think her heart was broken that


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