Bullshit News In Taiwan- A Canadian Expat Wears A Special Shirt For Eating in Public

Expat Chuck launched his cat halfway across his apartment with one swift kick to the cat's backside. In mid-air, Cat's tongue snagged the broken chopstick off the table. Cat hissed like it was possessed by the devil as Cat chased Expat Chuck out of his house. Expat Chuck mumbled as he braced himself against the hallway in his apartment corridors. "Dude. Chopsticks are like Satan to me." Mr. Wu heard the raucous and came out to greet, Expat Chuck. "Chuck-uh. We hear the girl left last night when you couldn't use chopsticks." "Oh Bullshit. I could use chopsticks to eat your wife's pussy if I wanted to." "Just take the fork, Chuck-uh." Expat Chuck kicked the fork out of Mr. Wu's fragile hands as Chuck darted towards the elevator. Chuck turned around as he was getting in the elevator. "Try to give me a fork again, and I will take it to stab your Golden Retriever's baby stroller to death with hole...