Temporary Insanity Boxes & Meditation

Welcome back to Taiwan.

Grab a drink.(beer, coffee, water)

都可以。 (That's Chinese for any drinks are ok)

Scrolling Through Insanity

My left hand provided the base camp for temporary insanity.

Temporary insanity came in the shape of a 3 dimensional box.

We all carry this same 3 dimensional box everywhere we go.

My eyes zoomed in on the screen.

My right index finger shot from the bottom right, to the crack on the top right of the screen.

The right finger brought me pictures, and daily updates from all over Facebook.

In four minutes, I bombarded my brain with more info than I needed for four days.

Green Flashes, White Dots, & Imaginary Earthquakes

Flashes of green darted through the air.

White dots stemmed from the green flashes.

I felt the ground beneath me wobble back and forth. The wobbling was not real.

I imagine a lot of earthquakes since the big earthquake in Tainan last winter.

I heard the birds singing.

I tried to focus on the birds. I also tried to focus on the green. I really like green.

I thought about a lot of shit.

I often thought to focus on sounds instead.

My low back shook every 3 minutes.

Overall, it was a painful experience.

Brain Space

I write often.

My brain tries to mentally record everything. It annoys me when I am counting how many chest hairs were popping out of my shirt during a story.

My brain still needs space.

If my brain doesn't get space, I don't write as well.

For example,  I once told a story over 100 times in seven years.

I told the story that pro triathlon guys yelled at me during my only triathlon that I shouldn't ride a Huffy.

Huffy is a shitty bike brand in America.

7 years later, I realized they just laughed.

I over-thought that one.

Teachers Can Be People

Today, I didn't reach enlightenment.

Tomorrow,  I am not going to co-author a book with Deepak Chopra about my Buddha-esque status.

Today , I sat in the grass with my thoughts, under a tree.

I lasted 20 minutes.

I call this meditation (for 20 minutes).

Usually, for me meditation means taking a nap on my couch.

Today, I almost chickened out on my meditation.

I almost chickened out because I saw a student as I went to plop my butt below the tree.

I think sometimes students can know that I am more than a pez dispenser that spits out never ending games of PSS (Paper Scissors Stone)

Thanks for listening!



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