Read The Fine Print If You Fly Vietnam Airlines

Read the fine print. Ask a man to read the directions on a DIY project NEVER!!! I booked a trip to Vietnam. I didn't read the fine print. I melted down. I nearly got arrested. First, lets rewind 20 years. You'll see why. Introducing Larue Larue (my dad) likes Moosehead Lager and shell peanuts. Larue (my dad) calls shell peanuts, the kind you have to open. Larue loves the two beer buzz. Larue loves simple. Larue still loses his temper. When I turned 30, I tracked my personality to his I hated it. Now, I roll with it. Larue Can't Cook Larue (my dad) made tea for my mom every morning for 20 years. Larue washed the dishes every night for 20 years. Larue fetched steak sandwiches from J's Steaks and Subs every Friday. Larue cooked grilled cheese sandwiches if the kids got sick. Larue never deepened his arsenal of cooking beyond grilled cheese sandwiches, and pick-up from J's Steaks and Subs. ...