Taiwan's Public Schools vs. Taiwan Cram Schools- Comparing The Jobs

Teachers rolling in the money- NOT :)

Taiwan Public Schools vs Taiwan Cram Schools: The Money "I'm gonna get rich from teaching," said no person with a brain ever.  Taiwan's Public Schools or the Taiwan Cram Schools won't be that much different when it comes to getting rich. The salary still can meet your needs. However,you won't exactly come home at night and use all your extra dollar bills as a spare blanket. The money is a great  question  when trying to decide between a Taiwan Public School job or a Taiwan Cram School job.  Most of the public schools jobs  normally start around 63,000 NT/month with an extra 5,000 NT/ month to go for housing.  You have to be at the public school from 8-4 in most cases. This monthly salary comes regardless of holidays. The Taiwan Cram Schools pay around 600-700/NT an hour. It is not salary. So, if the typhoon comes rolling around, you not only spend more money that day drinking at 7-11; you also don't get paid for the day. The Taiwan Cram Schools are still a much better value for your actual time at work; as very few of them require unpaid office hours. You may want to vote for the Taiwan Public Schools when it comes to money; if you like to know how much money you are going to get at the end of the month.

Cram School Teachers living the Rock & Roll Lifestyle:)

Taiwan Public Schools vs. Taiwan Cram Schools- The Hours   Taiwan Cram School teachers go to work at the same time that Taiwan Public School teachers finish their day in  some cases. If a student for some extremely bizarre reason were to see their cram school teacher before noon and asked the teacher for a round of sticky ball, that poor student might be hoping for ketchup to go along with their knuckle sandwich delivered from their teacher. Ok, before the crying towels come out, it is certain that many of the cram school teachers make a productive use of their mornings still. They also wouldn't literally punch their student.  The 2-9 hours at Taiwan Cram Schools probably work out well for  binge drinkers though.  However, if you're as worthless as a Grandma during her Soap Operas after nine at night, the hours of a Taiwan Cram School might shy you away.  You might prefer to be at home staring at your empty walls after 5 p.m; while hoping that someday somebody comes to visit. You still may think it is better than watching a room full of heavens throw a sticky ball at the white board for the five millionth time.

Taiwan Cram School Classroom:)

Taiwan Public School vs Taiwan Cram Schools- The Students- Taiwan Cram Schools can make a lot of teachers cringe just at the word, 'cram.'  One major concern is that most of the cram school classrooms look more like an office room than they do an actual classroom. The cram schools seldom have an outside area to play. It just doesn't seem right when the students barely have enough room to stand up; than yet do an activity that actually involves moving around.  It is not to say that there aren't great cram schools out there. It is just that a huge obstacle exists while trying to teach students while they are packed in like sardines into a spare office room. Making little kids sit for two hours is kind of like telling a stoned coke addict to stop talking for an hour.

Taiwan Public Schools Hey Man 

Taiwan Public Schools Vs Taiwan Buxibans- The Curriculum- The list of ridiculously fun things you can teach while in the Taiwan Public schools is endless. Nothing is funnier  than a greeting from a second grader flashing you a thumbs up to go along with his, 'Hey Man.'  The public school teacher usually has a great deal of flexibility to teach whatever they want.  You want to do a unit on cool handshakes? Cool, just say it is part of a unit on team work.  In the cram schools, hence the word 'cram school,' teachers are on a tight deadline to plow through as many pages in the textbook as possible. Beginner level classes may have seven different text books for them to cram through in two hours.  You should see a tiny 20kg seven year old lugging around what looks like luggage to go on a trip to Grammy's house; when it is really just their books for their after school classes If you like to have fun while you teach, public schools are the way to go.

An outstanding member of the community making life choices

Taiwan Public Schools Vs Taiwan Buxibans-The Working Environment- Generally speaking, the public school seems to be a much better environment.  The public school is insanely fun to watch in the purest sense of watching children play. For every 40 minutes of class time, they get the chance to go outside and run like the lunatics that they are. If you open the door to your classroom, and are not careful, you may even get clothes-lined as they stampede by on their way to the playground. They seem to always have special guests coming in. Last year, we had a professional cartoon artist do a one day workshop. A previous school also had the rock and roll Kindergarten gym teacher. He used to bring in a set of full speakers, balloons, and gymnastics equipment. Really fun to watch. At the cram school, the students get a drunk white guy that just woke up at 12:30, and who has the admirable task of entertaining these hellions for stretches of two hours at a time. Also, in the public schools,  you can go a whole year without even knowing your boss. This actually inspires most people to work way harder. When you have somebody looking over your shoulder all the time in cram schools, you  seldom go the extra mile.

Overall- I have taught for about five years in Taiwan. My first two and a half years were in the cram schools. I think my therapist would definitely vouch that public schools are the way to go; at least for me:)


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