Taiwan FB Groups- Can We Stop Making Each Other INSANE?

Adulting means reading
For The FB Group, Taiwan English Teacher Job Openings, please read the entire post:   One of the easiest; but most frustrating ways to find a job in Taiwan is to look on the Taiwan FB group listed above. Schools that need a teacher post their info on the FB group. This quickly sends the word  out to massive amounts of job-seekers that a teacher is needed.  Cool idea, right? :) It should be very efficient.  However, it is difficult to imagine how many times on this Taiwan Facebook Group in particular that the poster has ended with, " P/M me for more information." This sounds like a reasonable request, right? This clear and direct call to action is almost always immediately followed up with a comment ( not a p/m as asked for originally), " p/m me for where to send a CV." Are you serious dude? You are applying for a job; and you have just shown that you can not read instructions. What is even better than completely ignoring the instructions of the original post?  My personal favorite is when the potential job seeker slams the poster with a complaint about the salary; "600 NT/Hour, salary's been the same for years." It is perfectly ok not to be happy about this salary. You have every right to voice your concerns. However, you should act as any reasonably educated adult. Show up to the interview. Highlight your experiences perfectly. Then, proceed to rock the shit out of the teaching demonstration. At that point, you can discuss your disagreement with the salary. Before you have shown your worth, you are completely wasting your time.

Before you ask, read the whole damn thing

Kaoshiung Q & A,  and many more FB groups have excellent pinned posts- The insanity on Taiwan FB groups does not stop with some random guys trolling job posters. The trolling actually only begins with the Taiwan English Teacher Job Openings page.  The expats in various different cities in Taiwan have started Q& A pages; also there are many other pages that exist to for different purposes that help provide a network for people abroad.  Many of the groups offer an excellent service to the expats living here. The one thing each of these groups has in common is a tool called 'pinned post.' The pinned post usually sits dead center in the middle for all to read.You would almost have to try to miss the pinned post.  So, as I think every admin ever has said, pretty much every question you could possibly have is in the pinned post. Ok, you still got a question? Check again.  There is still a 99 %  likelihood that the answer is in the pinned post. Save everyone the hassle:)

While on Kaoshiung Q&A, Taipei Buy, Sell, Trade, and more,  resist the need for sarcasm-  (more social & selling stuff Taiwan FB groups) Bust balls, take the piss, whatever you like to call it,  I love it more than anyone. I also totally get that people ask some of the stupidest questions imaginable on these kinds of sites. Just remember one thing. If you start calling them out on their nonsense, or any other jokes you think are funny, the Internet is the easiest place in the world to start a shit storm of people taking offense way too easily. Nobody wants to see this. Resist the temptation. Silence is bliss. Yep, I know this whole post is sarcastic too:)

Got a problem? Fix it!
Whether it is Kaoshiung SubbingKaoshiung Teaching Jobs, or English Teachers in Taipei, the group is probably ran by volunteers- (more Tawian FB groups to find work)- The moderators usually have jobs, family, lives,etc. They run the group for the sake of community. In the spirit of community, don't take up a moderator's time with whiny comments like: "We really need the moderators to keep these convo's on track." Step up to the plate. Find a way to politely keep the conversation on track without the help of a volunteer.

What have you done before you post?
Taitung Taidong, Taiwan Group, Living Hualien, and groups in other desirable Taiwan locations definitely want to see your work (Taiwan FB social/find work groups)- Just like your Math teacher boosted your grade for showing how you got the answer even if it was not correct; the people in these groups are not going to jump in and give you the inside scoop on some perfect job without at least showing what research you have done. Nobody wants to see a post like:

  (Bad) "It is my dream  to live in Taitung. Do you think I can find work there? Are there schools there? I heard it is quiet. Can you tell me where the schools are located?."

 (Good- Show your work) - "I have checked Tealit.com, Orseek.com,The Taitung Taidong Group, every day for the last six months. I still have not seen a job in Taitung that meets my needs of NT 600/hour and offering an ARC. I also have done a Google search in English, and Chinese (with the assistance of my Taiwanese friend) to get a list of all the buxibans, private schools, public schools, and universities in the area. I have three years of teaching experience at the elementary level.  If anyone could be so kind to offer further insight how to make my dream come true of living in Taitung happen, you can P/M me or LINE me at your earliest convenience."

Which post would you reply to? :)

Non-teaching jobs in Taiwan, Taipei Hikers, Tainan Bulletin,  etc.all need a call to action for your questions (more Taiwan FB groups for info)- You can post the most properly worded question in the world. If you don't tell people how to answer the question, you will never get an answer.  So, stick a P/M me, comment below, call me, or LINE me, at the end of that question if you want someone to help you.

No Facebook Group EVER needs an unofficial grammar police force (Taiwan FB groups in general)-  Notice the  grammar mistakes above? Is it eating at your skin? Just stop already with the need to justify your existence by condoning other people's grammatical mistakes on Facebook. You don't yell at someone when they don't pause in their speech when their would be a comma, do you? :)  We all know when we see a person not from one of the government-approved countries to legally hire foreign teachers posting;they have a Bachelor's degreee in TEEFL with a dozen other mistakes in their posting that they are not going to get the job.  Just let it be. Their grammar mistakes aren't even the deal breaker anyway. Again, just let it go, man. It is no direct hit on your own intelligence, motivation, and drive; if someone jumps on a job page and tries for a job they are clearly not qualified for. Don't worry. You can still get the Teacher of The Year coffee mug. If you are that concerned, I might even buy it for you. Again, none of your FB friends care about what kind of people are applying for the same job you have.  I hate to break it to you.

Choking on the bullshit yet?
***FULL DISCLAIMER- This unsolicited advice from a man that was once fired by his own life coach due to lack of potential; should be taken at your own risk. It is believed that the only man to ever follow this advice actually choked on all the bullshit:) ****

*** All images used from Shutterstock. You can use Shutterstock too. It is free for everyone:) ***



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