Your Guide to a Terrible Rainy Day in Taiwan

An Expat in Taiwan who doesn't like rainy days 1.) It all s tarts with a ridiculously early wake-up: Wake up before sunrise if you want to have a terrible rainy day in Taiwan . That's right. You gotta get up before the sun to make this day truly suck. You want this day to really drag on as long as possible. Having a completely terrible rainy day in Taiwan is not easy work man. Taiwan's 7-11 Sandwiches tasting like cardboard 2.) Head to one of Taiwan's 7-11's for breakfast - Ok. You're up early enough to piss of a monk. In the dark and in the rain, you remember that you're practically like a Chinese language master. That is because you can tell the lady at 7-11, 'Hot." With rain pounding on your shoulders while gradually leaving you smelling like a wet dog for the rest of the day, you can now take advantage of your mad Chinese skillz. Forget all about the the delicious cheese dan bing ; and all the other tasty breakfast choices in Ta...