Taitung City's Liyushan Trail: Save the Trees Man!
The Beach:
After Liyushan, go to the Taitung beach.
Liyushan`s Least Wanted:
White tops and bald ladies pierce your inner drum with horrible Karaoke.
Your kid``s church choir group sounds like Beethoven compared to these microphone train wrecks.
The Liyushan trail won't exactly win Lonely Planet's best unkept secret award.
It still won't be nominated for The Shittiest Trail award. The nature and the stroll will make you smile.
How to get here:
Spend most of your afternoon trying to go five minutes without staring at your phone on the long haul from pretty much anywhere else on this island. The annoying voice of your Taiwanese coworker who warned you " Taitung is too far ," will haunt most of your trip. Once you arrive in Taitung, look at Google to get to the trail, you fucking idiot:)
The Tower
Look at that view. What a picture that would make from the top!! Don't Frommer (travel guide) Jolly yourself too fast.
You can't get up there, even if you do have a famous night market stand :)
A rumor floats around the village.
In 1996, the most senior village man started telling visitors about the tower, "It's too high." Like sheep, nobody dared to go to the top since.
In other news, you can use the payphone at the bottom of the tower.
Expats & Saggy Teets at The Temple
Drop your head as you trance up the mountain to the temple. The teets of the pregnant temple dogs drag like the spirit of a married expat.
He remembers weekend scooters trips with his hot Taiwanese wife. Now, he just listens to his in laws tell him, in Taiwanese, " The damn vegetable prices have never been higher."
The saggy expat dreamer believes next year is the year that the in laws will move out.
Las Vegas bookmakers have officially placed the odds of the in laws moving out at : That shit is never going to happen.
Old Tree Lookout:
The Taitung City government has actually designated this area as a tree sanctuary. Taitung stands out versus the rest of the island that went Money crazy and let the environment suffer during Taiwan's economic miracle.
After Liyushan, go to the Taitung beach.
Liyushan`s Least Wanted:
White tops and bald ladies pierce your inner drum with horrible Karaoke.
Your kid``s church choir group sounds like Beethoven compared to these microphone train wrecks.
The Liyushan trail won't exactly win Lonely Planet's best unkept secret award.
It still won't be nominated for The Shittiest Trail award. The nature and the stroll will make you smile.
How to get here:
Spend most of your afternoon trying to go five minutes without staring at your phone on the long haul from pretty much anywhere else on this island. The annoying voice of your Taiwanese coworker who warned you " Taitung is too far ," will haunt most of your trip. Once you arrive in Taitung, look at Google to get to the trail, you fucking idiot:)
The Tower
Look at that view. What a picture that would make from the top!! Don't Frommer (travel guide) Jolly yourself too fast.
You can't get up there, even if you do have a famous night market stand :)
A rumor floats around the village.
In 1996, the most senior village man started telling visitors about the tower, "It's too high." Like sheep, nobody dared to go to the top since.
In other news, you can use the payphone at the bottom of the tower.
Expats & Saggy Teets at The Temple
Drop your head as you trance up the mountain to the temple. The teets of the pregnant temple dogs drag like the spirit of a married expat.
He remembers weekend scooters trips with his hot Taiwanese wife. Now, he just listens to his in laws tell him, in Taiwanese, " The damn vegetable prices have never been higher."
The saggy expat dreamer believes next year is the year that the in laws will move out.
Las Vegas bookmakers have officially placed the odds of the in laws moving out at : That shit is never going to happen.
Old Tree Lookout:
The Taitung City government has actually designated this area as a tree sanctuary. Taitung stands out versus the rest of the island that went Money crazy and let the environment suffer during Taiwan's economic miracle.
The joke is off, for now. Bring a date and a bottle of wine to Liyushan
. You should have plenty to talk about. Well, let's hope not too much talking:)
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