Birds Go Chasing Tractors in Taiwan

The rider lugged the usual route of 25 km’s. He made this one into 12 km’s. The km’s cover pineapple fields, public mango trees that the public may pick from during harvest time, and a temple on top of a hill. With lack of exercise, the rider may walk up the hill some days, and make it up the hill on the second try other days. With regular exercise, the rider may walk up the hill some days, and make it up the on the second try other days. His bike is possibly as old as he is. This at least offers an excuse. One wheel laid under the rider’s ass. One wheel rider laid under his hands. Giant Bicycle did not offer clients a method to propel the bike forward without the sweat, determination, and legs we all walk on, when this bike was made. The legs often take the rider to work when a change in the every-day routine is needed. The same feet that operate the gas and break on their way to Xinying Elementary School from Liuy...