Bullshit News in Taiwan- How Whiskey MakesYou Stronger

“Look at my face. Not even the hairs on my beard g growclose together. Some lonely shit here in Yunlin County, Taiwan” Steve clasped Charles ‘ shoulder ”It’s all good bruah.In a week from now, we will both be gassing up on whores and cocaine in MOTHER FUCKING LAS VEGAS! ” Charles chuckled while making eye contact with everyone at the table. He raised his dixie cup full of Whiskey with something black floating at the bottom while switching to Mandarin so everyone could understand. “Steve and I have had a lot of fun Saturday nights here with you guys. But, this is gonna be our last one together. Thank you so much for all the good times.” The two local farmers at the table clenched their hands together while their cheeks burned with apple-red pride. “Ok-La. Don’t forget. Always drink more whiskey, because it makes you stronger.” The group chuckled in unison as they all threw down the drink that S...