Terrible Tom The Expat : Ran Out of Stuff To Bitch About Before His Saturday Make-Up Day

In a hunk of gossip that shattered miserable expats around the world, Terrible Tom The Expat has officially ran out of stuff to bitch about. He was a shining king of Expats that love to bitch, for over two decades. Tom has been bitching about stuff since he was less than knee-high. His parents still tell a terrible story about how they worked overtime for three months to buy him a trip to Disney World as a young bitchy kid. Tom returned the favor by spending seven days griping that Mickey Mouse stole his nose. Tom told his Grandma and Grandpa when he returned to his hometown of Bitchville, " If I see Mickey again, I'm gonna sock him a good one. He took my nose, and he won't give it back." After a lifetime of bitching about stuff that he has absolutely no control over, Terrible Tom transcended himself into the perfect career for people that adore bitching so much. That is a dead-end career of teaching ESL. His profound bitching h...