The RKD (Reflection Kills Depression) Movement Is Coming!

The Dangers Of Talking Without a Filter Via Social Media What could possibly go wrong with an idea to come home every night and tell one unfiltered story of what happened that day, on Youtube? :) I know I am walking into dangerous territory when I start talking without a filter, especially given the current climate. People have perfected their ability to be offended. However, I also realize that if I don't look deep enough inside, and let some dark and unfiltered stuff out of the gut and the heart, it will just be another generic dude telling stories for the sake of popularity, which misses the point. The Birth of The Story of The Day Last week, I just had a gut feeling that it would be a good thing for me to take a few minutes every night and tell one story from something that happened that day. I decided to go with it even though I don't have the first clue about setting a room for proper lighting, nor do I know anything about sound editing. Finding A Movement After the third...