The Culture of "Did you eat? " in "The Taiwan"

By Joshua Dent "Hi ______! (insert English name here) How are you today?" NOTHING will KILL a conversation in an ESL classroom in Taiwan like the words "How are you? I can almost guarantee that you will always get the same robotic response "I'm fine, and you?" This is quite the difference from let's say asking a 13 year old American '"valley girl" the same question. I would imagine some 7th grade teachers probably avoid this question like the plague in fear of hearing about some girl's shopping trip for an entire period of Chemistry class. Trade "How are you?" for "Did you eat today?" For my approximately 211 days of residency here in "The Taiwan," I was desperately trying to find out why nobdoy would give you an honest response to this question. I can't tell you how many poor innocent children I wanted to shake the shit out of just to get another response besides "I'm fine....