My 9 Most Bizarre Adaptations to "The Taiwan"

By Joshua Dent I am writing to you today from the top of Tute Mountain in Taoyuan, Taiwan. It is quite the scenic view considering it only takes about 15 minutes to drive here from the heart of the city of Taoyuan, in northern Taiwan. While I sit in the dirt with nothing but my pen and notebook, I decided to take some time to reflect on some of the different ways my lifestyle has changed since being in "The Taiwan. " Sitting on top of this mountain could not be more picturesque. One problem looms large, and is roughly 23 feet away from me however. This obstruction to complete peace and serenity is a flock of two-winged annoying, and smelly bastards chirping away in only the most obnoxious of all voices. That is the voice of a fucking pigeon. I have hated those evil and filthy creatures since they used to haunt the gutter of my house on Filetown Road in Nazareth, PA in the 80's. ...